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Create A Google Review Link For Your Business

Written by Cullen Andrew | May 26, 2020 11:14:48 PM

Learn How To Create A Google Review Link For Your Business

To create your unique Google review link, we will walk you through the steps below. Here’s what we will go over:

Step 1: Navigate to the Google PlaceID Lookup Tool

Step 2: Type your business name into the “Enter a location” field

Step 3: Your Google PlaceID will appear on the map, underneath your business name

Step 4: Insert your Google PlaceID into the provided Google URL in this "How-To"

Are you ready to get started....? We thought so!

Step 1: Navigate To The Google PlaceID Lookup Tool

The first step involved in creating your unique review link for your business on Google is to login to your GMB (Google My Business) account. Once you're there, we need to navigate to Google's PlaceID tool. This tool is used to find the unique code Google assigns to each business on the map. There's only a few steps to get your code, after that you'll be all set!

Click here to find your PlaceID code, once there you should see something similar to this:



Step 2: Type Your Business Name & Click On It

You'll see a search bar on the map when it shows up, there will be a section to enter a location, go ahead and type in your business name. (Please note, you must have a Google My Business account setup to show on the map). As you type you'll start to see a drop-down suggestion box, click on your business:



Step 3: Get Your PlaceID

After you've typed in your business name and clicked on it, you'll see the map zoom into your business location. Under the name of your business will be your PlaceID, copy this code:



Step 4: Add your PlaceID to the provided Google URL

Now that you have your unique PlaceID code, the final step is to paste it into the Google review URL provided below:<place_id>


Now you're ready to go! Send customers your unique link, it will take them directly to the review box for them to leave their review: