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Has receiving high returns from your email marketing campaigns proven difficult?
If you find that is the case, these 5 tips may help you.
The best way to increase the numbers of open emails you send, is to engage the viewer.
Taking this a step further, you can truly entice them with a cliffhanger.
By ending the subject line on a trail off, for example:
“Social Media leads to…”
the reader will feel more compelled to open it, since it is incomplete.
Sometimes less is more, so be careful not to overuse this technique.
Working hard to manifest an eye-catching subject, then following up with a compelling email might get customers on the hook, but is it enough to reel them in?
CTA’s are crucial to the next step in conversion, but if the CTA isn’t encouraging, it might get ignored.
Come up with CTA’s that are descriptive, easy to act on, and hard to miss.
The end goal of marketing is to generate sales, but maybe start with building a genuine relationship with the subscribers.
Consumers sign up for email lists to learn more about a business, not to immediately buy more products.
Keeping the consumer engaged will ultimately lead to better returns.
The more you test your copies, the more likely you are to notice inconsistencies or redundancies.
When performing A/B tests, rely on data as opposed to your own opinion.
Test things like
From line
Try testing one at a time for the most accurate results.
51% of emails are opened on mobile devices now, so you have a smaller space to work in to intrigue consumers off the bat.
Implementing things like numbers, symbols, or emojis in the subject line are ways to keep it short, yet enticing.
Be creative.
Make sure your emails focus on what your intended audience wants to hear, not necessarily what you want to say.
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