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A new update to iOS for Apple iPhone users includes a new tracking prompt that is set to disrupt Facebook Ads targeting.
Apple is set to include a new prompt with in-depth information on every app you download. The idea is to make users aware of what control the app has on your data before you make the decision on installing it or not.
Users will also receive a permission opt-in to allow tracking, take a look at the image below to see how it will appear (this prompt has been named "Apple's App Tracking Transparency"):
Although the ability to share or not share this data within Facebook is available, it has been a little hard to find. This latest change from Apple will now put the choice right in front of the users which is causing many to anticipate most users will simply opt out.
If you are familiar with how Facebook ads work you'll understand how this can cause issues when it comes to reporting/tracking actions or purchases from ads, remarking campaigns, and other functions.
The changes in the next iOS update will affect Ads Manger, Ads Reporting, and the Ads Insights API. Here is a short list of what to expect:
Facebook will be making up for the lost data by using statistical models, certain windows will only include partial reporting.
Offsite conversion events will also be impacted: delivery vs. action breakdowns will not be available, and conversions that occurred will not be reported when the ad impression happened but rather simply when they actually occur.
Users will still be able to target based on demographic and geographic segments however they will no longer be able to see the breakdown by each of those factors.
Facebook will be creating "Aggregated Event Measurement" in an attempt to minimize the impact of data loss.
Advertisers will be limited to 8 conversion events tracked per domain which can be pixel based events or custom conversions. This change will happen automatically.
Previously pixels were created and then assigned to ad accounts, now you will need to tie them to verified domains if you'd like to use custom conversions or measure events.
We will continue to update you on the changes as more information becomes available.
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